Bramley Moore Dock Stadium set to bring £1bn boost to City economy
19 Sep 2017

Everton’s proposed new stadium at Bramley Moore Dock will provide a £1bn boost to the local economy and has been heralded as a “game-changer” for the city of Liverpool.
The latest projections of the economic impact of a major new stadium in the north docks area of the city has highlighted the sizeable benefits a new home for the Blues at Bramley Moore Dock will provide.
The figures produced by CBRE – who are working with the Club on the stadium project – estimate that a new stadium development will bring a contribution of more than £900m to the region’s economy before the stadium is even completed.
The huge financial lift to the city’s economy during the construction phase will see the creation of more than 12,000 jobs for local people, with more than £255m estimated to be spent locally through supply chains and other service costs during the same period. And, once completed, the stadium is set to provide an annual boost to the city of £94m through hotel occupancy, retail and tourism.
The stadium is the key project in a monumental regeneration scheme – a scheme that is set to be one of the largest and most transformational Liverpool has ever seen.
Iain Jenkinson, Senior Director of Planning and Development at CBRE said: “This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity for Liverpool to embrace one of the most significant and unique regenerative investments the city has ever seen.
“The economic contribution to the city of Liverpool through Everton’s new stadium at Bramley Moore Dock, the catalytic effect it will have on surrounding neighbourhoods, and the facilitation of the equally important Goodison legacy project make this a package of inter-related projects that, when taken together, will prove a game-changer for the city. Importantly, it will further enhance the city’s international reputation for delivering major transformational projects on such a large scale.”
The Bramley Moore Dock project will match the £1bn boost to the local economy provided by the Liverpool Echo Arena and Exhibition Centre development on the King’s Dock site but will support a significantly greater number of jobs – more than 15,000 in total.
Bramley Moore Dock is part of the Peel Land and Property Liverpool Waters development – a £5.5bn regeneration scheme which stretches along Liverpool’s North Docks and is made up of five neighbourhoods.
Plans for the site include two new river terminals – a new cruise liner facility for the city as well as an Isle of Man ferry terminal – and a range of commercial, office and residential developments alongside a waterfront cultural complex.
Work on a new dual carriageway has begun and plans for a new £20m road linking the city centre with the waterfront have been approved. The two new road schemes, alongside a £10m bridge, are designed for freight to travel to and from the new £400m Liverpool2 deep water container terminal to the north of the site. A new rail link to the Bramley Moore Dock area is also under consideration by Liverpool City Council and the Liverpool City Region Cabinet.
Ian Pollitt, assistant project director at Liverpool Waters, the £5bn waterfront scheme, said: “Everton’s investment in Bramley Moore Dock will play a key role in helping us to deliver Liverpool Waters’ vision in what we anticipate to be an accelerated timescale – whilst truly animating our development proposals.
“Everton’s new state-of-the-art stadium will bookend Liverpool Waters’ 60-hectare site perfectly with the existing Princes Dock neighbourhood, which is located at the city-end of the scheme.
“The proposed stadium relocation has already helped raise the profile of Liverpool Waters both nationally and internationally and we’re enjoying talking to new and existing investors who see the benefit of creating new opportunities as part of the wider scheme.
“Building a stadium of this calibre as part of Liverpool Waters, alongside the proposed new Cruise Liner facility, Isle of Man ferry terminal and residential and commercial buildings really does help us realise our ambition of creating a waterfront to the world. Exciting times are certainly on the horizon for the waterfront and the wider city region and we’re looking forward to working with the team at Everton to make it all happen.”
Mayor of Liverpool, Joe Anderson, hailed the proposed development as a “game-changer” for the city.
He said: “A new Everton stadium at Bramley Moore Dock would be a huge catalyst for change along the city’s North Liverpool waterfront and these figures show the impact would be felt immediately. The Echo Arena and Exhibition Centre has already delivered £1bn to the local economy and the opportunity to have a development in the North Docks delivering a further £1bn – as well as up to 15,000 jobs – makes this project a game changer not just for the Club but the city – and it won’t cost council tax payers a penny. Our partnership with Everton is strong and a lot of hard work by both parties is going on behind the scenes to make this a reality.”
Everton is continuing to engage with key stakeholders over the new stadium project. A document will be released shortly by the Club in which Everton’s key principles for the development of a new stadium at Bramley Moore Dock – and an enduring legacy at Goodison Park – will be explained and shared. The Club is keen to hear feedback from its fans.
Everton CEO Robert Elstone said: “As well as proving an iconic new home for future generations of Evertonians, our investment in Bramley Moore Dock will bring lasting and substantial benefit to the city of Liverpool. Being part of a project that will offer so many transformational opportunities is hugely exciting for a Club with a second-to-none commitment to its City and we remain grateful to the commitment of all the parties working so hard to make this a reality.
“The Club continues to work hard on plans for a lasting legacy at Goodison Park which will protect the needs of our current neighbours and deliver further regeneration benefits to the local community and the wider city region.”